STARL Announces the Launch of Its On and OffChain Gaming Metaverse

STARL Announces the Launch of Its On and OffChain Gaming Metaverse
NEW YORK, NY, April 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Recently, STARL has announced the launch of its on and off-chain gaming metaverse. The space-themed STARL Metaverse enables users to explore, communicate, learn, and play games in a vibrant environment that is imaginative, unique, and empowering. With an active community steering the project, the STARL Metaverse utilizes the cutting-edge capabilities of Unreal Engine 5 to facilitate user interaction, exploration, asset trading, and self-expression beyond reality. Ahead of the Game: STARL Project – Pioneers of the First ‘Unreal Engine 5-Powered’ Metaverse with On and Off-Chain Gaming With a focus on user engagement…

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